Monday, February 21, 2011

Shortcut Lemon Sandesh with Chocolate Ganache Topping by Nitai Sundara

And now one for one of my relatively accessible recipes:curd from 2 liters milk
juice from two lemons
¾ cup sugar
½ t vanilla extract
zest of 1 small lemon

¾ cup semisweet chocolate chips or small-chopped pieces
2/3 heavy cream
Preheat the oven 110C (230F). Break the curd into rough pieces and put in the food processor with the sugar and lemon zest. Blend until smooth, stopping to stir in any clumps that might be stuck. The final texture might appear to have very small grains due to the sugar, but these will dissolve later.
Butter a 20x20cm (8x8in) glass baking dish. Scoop the curd paste into the pan and pat it down and tap the pan gently to remove any air bubbles. Smooth the top and bake uncovered for 15-25 minutes, or until the mix seems solid, but still soft, and pulls away from the sides of the pan when you tilt it. How long it bakes depends on the wetness of the original mix, which will be different for different milk and with different straining conditions.
Allow the sandesh to cool for 1 hour or longer. Heat the heavy cream in a saucepan until the sides just begin to bubble. Remove from heat and toss in the chocolate. Allow to sit for the 3-5 minutes and then whisk until completely smooth. Pour this mix evenly over the sandesh and allow to cool uncovered at room temperature. Refrigerate overnight and then cut into squares while cold. Serve cold or at room temperature, but be warned, the chocolate will be quite soft at room temperature.

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