Mashed potato. Today simple, I only added black salt. On non Ekadashi days use any spices you like for the puree. Then spread it on a grassed (I use a) clean plastic bag. Half of it on the plate (so when you roll it you take the bag easily off) then spread sour cream (or any soft cream or alternative for vegans). I put raw grated pumpkin. (Carrots are super for this too). Roll it and cover it with mayonnaise and deco with olives and barbecued peppers. Corn would be super deli too in it. In other words: fill it with your favorite stuff to make a summery salad like this one. Ideal for parties. Can not be prepared with more then couple of hours in advance as the potato and the mayo don't stay full flavor after more than then 5 hrs. Not in hot days...
One potato for two carrots (but you get a lot from that) For a cup of ready mayo measure half cup of diced carrot and half of that quantity of potato. Boil them and blend them with 2-3 spoons of sunflower oil and same of lemon juice. I always add some of the water from the boiling in the mixer if it gets too thick. Salt and pepper. The original recipe is only oil and lemon juice (no water at all to help to blend the vegetables) but it is too heavy. Got to experiment your own consistence and sourness (less or more lemon according to taste) I like it "veeeery lemony", but not to my husband.
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