Monday, April 25, 2011

Gerbaud Cake by Rohini

Gerbaud cake for Easter.

500 g flour
200 g butter
2 T sour cream

100 g sugar
1 T baking powder

Enough milk to make a medium dough. Make three balls of the dough and roll them thin.

The pastry is a little bit like a sweet biscuit, you roll it very thin, and smear it with apricot jam (homemade is best, or else add a little water to store bought and boil it once), sprinkle a walnut filling (ground walnuts, sugar, lemon rind, hot milk), next pastry, jam, walnut filling, pastry. Poke it all over with a fork, bake at 350 till done, cover with cocolate. Slice, offer, eat and bless heavens.

As I am very much against wasting even a drop of chocolate, I just pop it (!) on top of cakes, cookies, whatever I want to cover while they are still hot, and smear it around once it is melted. It is a very good trick. 

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